Education & Culture

Int’l confce on sustainable futures, economic stability held at DU

Published : 09 May 2024 09:47 PM

A day-long international conference on Sustainable Futures: Ensuring Economic Stability & Inclusive Social Development was held in Du. today, BER (Bureau of Economics Research) and Department of Economics, Dhaka University jointly organised the  programme. 

This program was held on May 9 may at Mojaffor Ahmed Auditorium. A S M Maksud Kamal, Vice of Dhaka University Professor, was Chief Guest and Dr. Selim Raihan, Director of BER was in a chair. 

VC A S M Maksud Kamal said,"Economy is an important part of the development of a country. Bangladesh is now an exemplary role model in the world in terms of socio-economic development. Bangladesh has to face various global challenges including climate change, environmental pollution, food security and economic instability due to Russia-Ukraine War, Israel’s genocide in Palestine. 

"Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh is rapidly moving forward with the goal of becoming a developed country from a middle-income country", said VC A S M Maksud Kamal. 

The Vice-Chancellor called upon the faculties, researchers, students and concerned others to conduct researches and innovate new ways and ideas to resolve various economic crisis. 

 Masuda Yasmeen, Chairperson of the Department of Economics of Dhaka University was also present  in this program. 

Besides,7 sessions and 2 panel discussions were held in this day-long conference. Faculties, economists and researchers from home and abroad presented a total of 21 research articles in this conference.